Monday 11 October 2021

How long has Dr Fauci been going? this is a very old picture.

How long has Dr Fauci been going? 

this is a very old picture

 During the three decades since the United States government proclaimed, via then Health and Human Services Secretary Margaret Heckler, April 23,1984, that a single retrovirus was the “probable cause” of an amorphous health condition known as AIDS, hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars have been doled out to thousands of HIV/AIDS grantees, “investigators” as they are known in the language of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).Although Robert Gallo, standing next to Heckler at the press conference, had not yet published his alleged proof for his hypothesis, by April 24 The New York Times was calling Gallo’s HTLV-III “the AIDS virus,” and all research into other probable causes of AIDS came to an abrupt halt. Later that same day, Gallo filed a patent for what is now misleadingly known as “the AIDS test.” The decision to spend billions of tax-payer’s money on a theory never properly vetted in an honest peer review process can be tracked to one un-elected medical science bureaucrat, America’s de facto AIDS czar; Dr. Anthony Fauci.Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since November 3, 1984, Fauci has never approved grants for anything but the simplistic single pathogen theory of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), the amorphous disease by ever-changing definition.From the beginning of his tenure, he has ignored the “multi-factorial” hypothesis for immune deficiency, including unusual exposure to old pathogens (VD), heavy ingestion of toxins (drugs), and chronic and acute stress (fear of dying). He has embraced scientific reductivism, what can be termed a 19th Century-style, single-germ theory for a complex web of factors that collapsed the immune systems of a subset of gay men in the early 1980s.Fauci has built a research empire that has funded thousands of studies of every conceivable aspect of the “HIV equals AIDS” hypothesis, including clinical trials of deadly so-called “Anti-RetroViral Treatments,” – chemotherapy known by the acronym “ARV” and sometimes as “ART.”Early AIDS research grants were for studying the theoretical pathogenesis of what Dr. Luc Montagnier and Dr. Robert Gallo claimed to have “discovered” (identified) after a failed decade of research trying to relate retroviruses to cancer.Montagnier labelled his the “Lymphodenopathy Associated Virus” (LAV) and Gallo dubbed his the “Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus-III (HTLV-III.) To settle the dispute about who discovered what, the U.S. and French governments in 1987 decided to agree that Gallo and Montagnier “co-discovered” the same thing, and that it would thereafter be called the “human immunodeficiency virus,” (HIV) – a medical science finding by government proclamationOnce President Ronald Reagan announced about a billion dollars just for starters for AIDS research, the AIDS gravy-train was established, and of those who jumped over from cancer research to AIDS research, the best known is Bob Gallo.“HIV didn’t suddenly pop out of the rain forest or Haiti. It just popped into Bob Gallo’s hands at a time when he needed a new career,” as Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test (who died late 2019, just prior to the misuse of his PCR test to sell the C19 pandemic), noted with a wink.Gallo’s papers were printed in the journal Science well after his press conference, and also after he had filed the patent application for an antibody test, later fraudulently named “The HIV test”. Thus, nobody was able to review his work prior to his spectacular TV appearance, and for some days afterwards.This presented a severe breach of professional scientific etiquette, and as review later, showed Gallo’s studies did not deliver any proof for the virus thesis.Eventually, much of the research funded at the NIAID and its parent organization, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), centered on the efficacy of ARVs in those who were HIV positive and had actual presenting illnesses, and then in those who theoretically had AIDS based only on CD4 T-cell counts under 200, but with no illness – the latter being a definition of AIDS arbitrarily devised by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and made effective January 1, 1993.That definition was designed only for “case surveillance,” a short-cut for counting potential cases of actual illness, but not as clinical evidence of AIDS for treatment purposes. But it very quickly led non-ill HIV positives, with no defining illnesses, into taking the chemotherapy with highly toxic adverse effects. Relevant also is the fact that all top scientific advisers to “Operation Warp speed” on C19 are tied since decades to the bogus and destructive HIV/AIDS research and propagation of false theories. Alongside Tony Fauci of NIAID stands Deborah L. Birx, M.D., Obama appointee as US Global AIDS Coordinator, who worked under Tony Fauci at NIAID from 1983-1986, and Dr Redfield.

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